- The 3rd and 4th year laboratory courses are separated from lectures.
- All the traditional disciplines of chemistry (physical, analytical organic and inorganic) are combined into the laboratory courses.
- New experiments including more than one of the traditional chemistry disciplines were developed resulting in the inclusion of a fifth discipline (integrated).
- Undergraduate students choose their experiments and make their own schedule.
Scheduling experiments:
In the Upper-Division Laboratory Courses student make their own laboratory schedule. Schedules are made online using the Blackboard e-Education platform of UBC (Connect) and our own made laboratory scheduling software CLaSS. Some very useful features of CLaSS include:
- Students choose their experiments based on their interest
- Students make their own laboratory schedule and check grades
- Instructors and TAs manage attendance
- Instructors and TAs post grades
- Instructors offer equipment time for experiments
- Advanced experiments can be assigned prerequisite experiments
Students can choose from a list of 46 experiments offered:
Location of Laboratories in the Chemistry Building: