Structure of the Upper-Division Chemistry Laboratory Courses CHEM 315/325/335/345:


  1. The 3rd and 4th year laboratory courses are separated from lectures.
  2. All the traditional disciplines of chemistry (physical, analytical organic and inorganic) are combined into the laboratory courses.
  3. New experiments including more than one of the traditional chemistry disciplines were developed resulting in the inclusion of a fifth discipline (integrated).
  4. Undergraduate students choose their experiments and make their own schedule.

Scheduling experiments:

In the Upper-Division Laboratory Courses student make their own laboratory schedule. Schedules are made online using the Blackboard e-Education platform of UBC (Connect) and our own made laboratory scheduling software CLaSS. Some very useful features of CLaSS include:

  1. Students choose their experiments based on their interest
  2. Students make their own laboratory schedule and check grades
  3. Instructors and TAs manage attendance
  4. Instructors and TAs post grades
  5. Instructors offer equipment time for experiments
  6. Advanced experiments can be assigned prerequisite experiments

Students can choose from a list of 46 experiments offered:

View the experiment list

Location of Laboratories in the Chemistry Building: